spider web in macadamia nut orchard

Our sustainable approach

Macadamias are native to Australia and the bulk of our modern industry is located in the same lush, sub-tropical regions where macadamias have grown in the wild for over 60 million years. Our growers have an intrinsic connection to the landscape and take great care to protect it by continually improving their practices. Our industry invests millions of dollars each year in research to ensure that our practices are the most innovative in the world.

Our growers are leaders in using ecologically sensitive techniques that preserve and protect the natural environment. The Australian macadamia industry has achieved a perfect score in the Federal Government’s National Residue Survey for 23 consecutive years. Our record is unmatched by any other Australian fresh product and demonstrates the commitment of our industry to grow a truly good product.

Not many of the items you buy on supermarket shelves can be traced back to their source in the same way Australian macadamias can. The majority of macadamias sold in Australia are grown in the birthplace of the macadamia – Northern NSW and South Eastern Queensland. Most orchards in these parts are family-owned by growers who take pride in their commitment to their local communities.

Biodiversity is key to macadamia farms being able to grow the decadent nuts we all love as well as to help protect and preserve the natural environment that sustains the industry.

Did you know that the 14 million macadamia trees across 44,000 hectares in Australia help reduce CO2 in the atmosphere 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?

Reducing the amount of animal products in our diets is a key way we can all help to reduce carbon emissions.

Our macadamia growers are passionate about conserving the water, soil, native vegetation and wildlife.

While macadamia nuts are a delicious treat, our growers know that macadamia husks and shells are also an incredibly valuable resource.

The Macadamia Conservation Trust discovers and conserves wild macadamia trees, protecting their native habitiat for future generations.

A macadamia moment with Alice Zaslavsky


A macadamia moment with Alice Zaslavsky

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