Veggie lover Alice Zaslavsky is an award-winning author, broadcaster and “vegelante”.
Born in Tbilisi, Georgia at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Alice grew up with a cuisine that reaches for the veg first; it’s no surprise then, that this is at the heart of her food philosophy, helping others across the world do the same through her books, columns, radio, television and live shows.
Alice first came to Aussie screens on MasterChef Australia Season 4, and is looking forward to returning to the competitive cooking arena in an even friendlier way on Ready, Steady, Cook.
We took a Macadamia Moment with Alice Zaslavsky.

What’s your favourite way to use macadamias?
I’m a snacker! A handful of maccas by the computer while I’m writing is always handy.
What are your thoughts on food trends – do you watch them, do you follow them? Are there any you’re embracing right now?
I’m always intrigued by what’s happening in the world of food, but the speed of social media means trends are so transient that they’re hardly worth investing too much time in. If you jump on every trend at this speed, you’ll be rudderless in no time. I’d much rather be leading the charge. I’m very happy to see zero-waste and scrappy cooking becoming more popular, and veg-forward cooking, of course!
Where do you turn for inspiration when creating a menu or cookbook?
I’m often asked where I find inspiration for the recipes in my columns and cookbooks, and the answer is EVERYWHERE! It might be a dressing on a salad in a cafe, or a biscuit a friend’s baked with just the right crumb. Inspiration can strike at any time – and anywhere!
Are you influenced by the cuisine or food trends from other countries and if so which ones?
Every cuisine has delicious dishes to try, and I’m particularly curious to see what cost-effective tricks they might have, and ways to use the whole ingredient.

What’s your favourite thing to cook for your family?
A roast chook! Always a crowd pleaser!
What’s one ingredient you can’t live without?
Salt flakes… and butter!
What’s your favourite place to eat, anywhere in the world?
My mum’s kitchen.
If you were an ice cream, what flavour would you be?
I had some SCRUMPTIOUS salted olive oil ice cream recently that gave me LIFE! That, or a super fresh, super tangy mango sorbet!