Each year we receive lots of questions about macadamia nuts. So we have collated all your top macadamia questions into one easy reference. Macadamia nuts: your top questions answered.
Are macadamias native to Australia?
Yes, macadamia trees and nuts are native to the sub-tropical rainforests of Australia’s east coast. The macadamia is the only native Australian plant that has become an international food.
Its tasty, distinctive nuts are now produced globally, with extensive orchards in South Africa, Australia, China, Kenya, Vietnam, Brazil and Hawaii.
Healthy, delicious and very special, macadamias are an integral part of the Australian story.

Do macadamias need to be roasted before making butter?
You can use either raw or roasted macadamia nuts when making macadamia butter.
Roasting can intensify their flavour and slow roasting to a deep, golden colour can help create a sweeter, caramel nut butter. For more macadamia butter ideas check out our five favourite ways to use macadamia butter
Can dogs eat macadamia nuts?
We do not recommend that you let your dogs consume macadamia nuts. If you think your dog may have eaten macadamias, immediately visit the vet to be on the safe side.
Both raw and roasted nuts can produce muscle weakness and collapse and swollen, sore joints in dogs. This is generally not life threatening, and usually lasts around 24 hours after which dogs will usually make a full recovery.
Many of our macadamia farmers have a doggy best buddy, we’d love to introduce you to some right here.

What is the best way to crack macadamia nuts?
We hear many stories of how people crack macadamia nuts with a hammer, brick or vice. When it comes to cracking macadamias, normal nut crackers often won’t do the job. There are several macadamia specific nut crackers on the market and we’ve written about four of them here.
Why are macadamia nuts expensive?
Australian macadamia nuts are grown mainly by smaller owner/operated farms. They require a high level of care and time to grow and harvest. Getting the edible kernel from the nut is quite a process. Australian macadamia growers pride themselves on producing the highest quality macadamias in the world – for all these reasons, macadamias are one of the highest priced nuts, but also the most special!
Read all about where to purchase Australian macadamia nuts here.

Are macadamias healthy?
Macadamias are a convenient and healthy wholefood that contain a host of essential daily nutrients as well as iron, protein, fibre and monounsaturated fat.
They are low in sugar, high in antioxidants and are a dairy-free source of plant protein. Their abundant healthy fats promote a healthy heart and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Every time you enjoy macadamia nuts, you’re doing your body, mind and mood a whole lot of good.

Can I grow a macadamia tree at home?
Macadamia trees aren’t just a great plant to have in the garden if you love the nuts. They are also a very attractive tree, especially during spring, when they burst into bloom, producing beautiful strands of tiny white and pale pink flowers called racemes.
Before buying a sapling from a reputable nursery, you might like to consider these six factors.
Have any other questions? We’re always happy to answer them. Head over to our Facebook page to connect.