
There are so many layers to the macadamia story. From cooking, health and wellbeing to people, gift ideas and macadamia country, there’s a lot to discover about this extraordinary Australian nut. Spend a little time exploring our latest stories. You’ll be amazed at what you find!

Quirky flavour ideas for roasted macadamias that actually work

Think beyond chilli and rosemary when you are roasting macadamias with these out-of-the-box flavour combinations.

Roasting macadamias makes the most of their unique creamy crunch. Adding sea salt, chilli and rosemary as you roast is a classic way to boost the flavour of the nuts, but that is just the beginning of the possible flavour pairings. The creaminess of the macadamias can carry so many other unique and interesting flavours. Once you’ve mastered the techniques for roasting, you can get adventurous with the ingredients you add to your nuts. Use this list of quirky combinations to get you started!

Wasabi and matcha

These staple Japanese flavours add a tasty kick to the buttery macadamia nuts, as well as imparting a gorgeous green colour!

Curry powder

You wouldn’t think that an everyday ingredient like curry powder would be the secret to this delicious recipe from Annabel Crabb, but it works perfectly. Although she uses cashews, we can vouch for the fact that macadamias are the most scrumptious nut to use.

Cinnamon doughnut macadamias

Cinnamon doughnuts AND macadamias together in one mouthful? Yes please! These cinnamon sugar coated macadamias are a deliciously sweet treat to have after a meal! 


Use a quality smoked paprika to make the most of this yummy recipe that will keep well in an airtight jar for 1-2 days. If you don’t devour them immediately, that is!

Desert oak and dukkah

The savoury, pork-crackling flavour of native Australian desert oak seeds pairs perfectly with macadamias. Perhaps that’s because they are both Australian native flavours. Adding dukkah to the mix (especially one made from Australian bushfood substitutes) elevates everything in this delicious party mix.

Lemon Myrtle

Another native Australian ingredient that pairs well with macadamias is lemon myrtle. Adding a pinch of cayenne pepper to the mix, like this recipe from Live Love Nourish, adds a kick to the Lemon Myrtle’s refreshing citrus-like zing. You can also add a little honey, as this bushfood recipe does.

Salt and vinegar

Salt and vinegar has long been a classic flavour for chips, so why not macadamias? This classic British recipe works with almonds and cashews, but macadamias are a delicious substitute.

Turmeric and ginger

Use fresh grated ginger for a tangy kick and powdered turmeric for a golden glow in this delightfully zingy flavour combination!

What flavours do you love with roasted macadamias? Let us know on our Facebook page!

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