How to grow your own macadamias at home

The moreish taste of macadamias means that they are gobbled up easily and don’t last long in the cupboard! This leads many people to consider growing their own supply of delicious nuts. The good news is that it is possible to produce your own supply of nuts at home.

Macadamia trees aren’t just a great plant to have in the garden if you love the nuts. They are also a very attractive tree, especially during spring, when they burst into bloom, producing beautiful strands of tiny white and pale pink flowers called racemes.

With some time and dedication you can actually plant a macadamia in its hard shell and grow it into a healthy and productive tree.

If you want to enjoy your own homegrown nuts as soon as possible, we recommend purchasing an established macadamia sapling from an Australian native nursery.

Macadamias are native to Australia and are hardy trees when planted in the right location with suitable growing conditions. To have the best chance of success with your tree, try the following suggestions.

Give your tree the best start in life and keep it happy and healthy to ensure a delicious bounty of macadamias year after year.

So you have grown a delicious crop of macadamias – what now?

Bundaberg, Queensland

Macadamias are the world’s hardest nut to crack, but the effort is certainly worth it! There are a variety of specialist nut crackers available to use or you can just try using a good hammer or rock!

A macadamia moment with Alice Zaslavsky


A macadamia moment with Alice Zaslavsky

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