“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
These seven words from Michael Pollan have become the universal advice for healthy eating and macadamias, like other nuts, are a whole plant food. Whatever your dietary preferences, macadamias can play a starring role in a healthy eating regime. Here’s how they fit into a number of popular diets:
Macadamias and the Mediterranean diet
There are many well studied health benefits of eating a Mediterranean diet which includes high levels of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, seeds, herbs and spices. But a recent study also showed that the effects of the diet were boosted when a daily 30 gram serve of nuts was incorporated.56
Macadamias and vegan eating
Plant-based eating, which reduces or completely avoids animal products (like meat, eggs and dairy), has seen a rapid increase in recent years. Whether you are choosing to try meat-free Monday or avoiding animal products entirely, the protein, healthy fats and antioxidants in macadamias make them a delicious, versatile part of a plant-based diet. Macadamias are particularly important for people who want to try a dairy-free diet as they can be easily made into a variety of healthy milk, cheese, butter and cream substitutes.