Jason and Fiona Klotz from Red Rock Macadamias are proof that a small family team can create big things – and grow exceptionally good macadamias! The couple recently won Large Grower of the Year at the 2021 Australian Macadamia Society Awards of Excellence, awarded to the most productive and consistent orchard over a five-year period.
Jason and Fiona have been growing macadamias for 15 years, with farms in both Bundaberg and Childers (Queensland). They are passionate about the efficiency of their processes, knowing that fast and efficient dehusking results in good quality nuts for consumers. “The quicker we can get nuts through the shed and out the door to our processor, the better the nut quality will be,” says Jason.

Red Rock Macadamias are known for their investment in high-quality machinery. Their impressive new dehusking equipment is specially designed by Jason to cleanly remove husk but still preserve the quality of the kernel. As well as being functional, the high-quality components are beautiful with shiny, smooth, clean lines. However, as much as Jason and Fiona love their equipment, they both agree dedicated staff are their best investment: “We can invest in top class equipment but unless you have the right people to operate and maintain it you’ll never get the best out of it.”
They now have five permanent full-time staff and three casuals, some of whom were with them when they planted their first trees back in 2006. “It’s a lovely industry to be in and it’s nice to be able to do it together as a team and a family. We thoroughly enjoy that and we need our team because we can’t do it by ourselves. We’re all working together as one,” said Fiona.