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Keto and macadamia nuts

A handful of macadamia nuts is a perfect keto-approved snack.

The keto diet is growing in popularity. We look at the role macadamia nuts can play in this low-carb, high-fat eating regime.

What is a keto diet?

The idea behind the keto diet is getting the body using fat as an energy source. Our bodies naturally prefer to use glucose, which comes from carbohydrates, for energy. But if we aren’t eating those carbohydrates, our body starts breaking down our stored fat cells into small molecules called ‘ketones’. This process is called ketosis.

Proponents of keto say that once you reach this state of ketosis the body keeps using ketones to generate energy until it has access to carbohydrates again, so they advocate an extremely low carbohydrate diet, with moderate protein and high fat intake.  

Advocates say that this style of eating results in fast weight loss and good health. However, we’d always recommend you seek the advice of an Accredited Practising Dietician if you are planning to embark on an extremely low carb diet. 

macadamia nuts keto

How do macadamia nuts fit into a keto diet?

For people on a keto diet, macadamia nuts are an excellent choice. They are an accessible source of the healthy monounsaturated fats that the keto diet relies on for energy. They are lower carb and higher fat than other nuts too. They are also delicious and satiating, which helps keep you feeling full even when eating very limited carbohydrates.

The perfect keto-friendly snack

A handful of macadamia nuts is a perfect keto-approved snack. Keep them stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator to preserve their quality oils.

Macadamia pesto or macadamia butter are both low-carb, high-fat options to spread over your bread. But not just any old bread. To work in with the keto diet, you’d have to use a special bread like this keto-friendly macadamia bread. Macadamias are also the perfect addition to the vitamin-packed salads and nutrient-dense vegetable dishes that you need to eat to stay healthy on this diet. They give great texture to both vegetable soups and summer salads.

Macadamia nut butter a great keto snack
Macadamia nut butter a great keto snack!

Keto-approved treats

Macadamias are a favourite addition to keto-friendly sweet treats. Not just because they tick the high-fat, low-carb box, but also because of their luxurious texture. They add decadent crunch to low-carb browniesfudgy fat bombs (in keto that’s a good thing) or vanilla macadamia power bars that make those snacks so much more satisfying.

While many people will think of a low-carb diet as devoid of fun, some people believe that with the right ingredients it doesn’t have to be. This keto-friendly ice-cream cake by Luke Hines uses macadamia nuts to create a rich and decadent base for the coconut-based ‘ice cream’ on top.

Got a few keto-friendly macadamia ideas? Head over to our Facebook page and share them with your fellow macadamia lovers.

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