Plant based perfection

Macadamias make eating less meat easy

Reducing the amount of animal products in our diets is a key way we can all help to reduce carbon emissions¹. But with macadamias this doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, macadamias are so easy to use, not to mention delicious, that even the most committed carnivores won’t feel like they are missing out if they make the switch to plant-based eating! Here are just a few of the ways that Australian macadamias make plant-based eating both incredibly easy and completely delicious!

  • Macadamias are a delicious, nutritious vegan protein that are easy to incorporate into a range of sweet and savoury dishes. Adding a handful to any stir-fry, salad or baking recipe will add plant-based power to any meal. 
  • So often people say that they couldn’t possibly give up the texture and variety that meat adds to a meal. However, the macadamia’s distinctive crunch and moreish mouthfeel meets that need for carnivores trying to reduce their meat intake. 
  • Because of their creamy, buttery texture, macadamias can make delicious vegan replacements for dairy products like butter, milk, cheese and cream. Some say the macadamia versions are yummier than the animal products they replace! See our range of recipes here. 
  • Macadamias contain healthy fats, valuable fibre, plant sterols, antioxidants and a range of micro-nutrients that promote gut, heart and brain health. Whether they are eaten alone or added to meals, they pack a powerful nutritional punch while also filling you up so you aren’t hungry for ultra-processed snacks that have a high carbon footprint². 
  • Some plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy are concocted in factories using a long list of weird ingredients. But Australian macadamias are pure, plant-based perfection, straight from the tree to you. 

1.Friel S, Barosh LJ, Lawrence M. Towards healthy and sustainable food consumption: an Australian case study. Public Health Nutrition. 2014;17(5):1156-1166. doi:10.1017/S1368980013001523

2. Ridoutt B, Baird D, Hendrie GA. Diets within Environmental Limits: The Climate Impact of Current and Recommended Australian Diets. Nutrients. 2021;13(4):1122. Published 2021 Mar 29. doi:10.3390/nu13041122

A macadamia moment with Alice Zaslavsky


A macadamia moment with Alice Zaslavsky

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