The affogato is a traditional coffee-based Italian dessert. Translated literally, it means ‘drowned’ in reference to the ice cream being drowned by the coffee. We’ve given this one a macadamia twist for a simple yet impressive finish to any meal.
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Servings 4
Course Dessert
Preference Gluten Free, Vegetarian
Perfect for Decadent Dessert
Skill level Easy
4scoopschocolate macadamia ice cream*
4double espresso coffees
1/4cupmacadamiasroasted, finely chopped
Chocolate coated macadamias**to serve
Place a scoop of chocolate macadamia ice cream in 4 coffee cups. Spoon the coffee and Frangelico (if using) over the top, sprinkle with roasted macadamias and top with the chocolate coated macadamias. Serve immediately.
*See recipe for chocolate macadamia ice cream here.**See recipe for chocolate coated macadamias here.