Utterly delectable, easy to make and full of goodness, macadamia butter adds a beautiful nutty, creaminess to all kinds of recipes and snacks.
You can make your own macadamia nut butter or purchase from several outlets.
Here are our five favourite ways to use macadamia butter.
1. In smoothies
Macadamia butter adds a creamy mouthfeel to plant based or plant-forward smoothies. The nutty flavour goes with so many tropical fruits, berries as well as spices. Read here about the health benefits of adding macadamias to your daily smoothie.

2. In a curry or laksa paste
The subtle taste of macadamias acts as the perfect carrier for the stronger flavours of the ingredients in your spice mix. See our recipe here for macadamia laksa paste.

3. DIY nutella
Mix some dark cacao along with a little sweeter (like honey, agave or maple syrup) into your macadamia butter to make your own macadamia ‘nutella’. Try this wicked recipe from scratch or this triple layer macadamia spread, perfect for gifting or picnic adventures!

4. As icing on the cake
With a little sweetener like honey or maple syrup, macadamia butter makes a good icing for carrot, banana or chocolate cake.

5. Snack attack
A healthy snack idea everyone will love! Slit open a medjool date, remove the seed and fill it with a teaspoon of macadamia butter and some toppings of your choice. A smooth, creamy and delicious pick me up that look super pretty too.

You’ll find many recipes using macadamia butter (or spread) on this website. Take the time to browse the extensive recipe section.
What are your favourite ways to use macadamia butter? Let us know on the Australian Macadamias Facebook page.