If you hear macadamias described as a superfood, it’s because they really are.
They make everything taste better, whether sweet or savoury, a mid-week meal or brag-worthy dessert. They’re also an indulgent addition to vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free meals and snacks, while macadamia oil is a kitchen essential, and a natural skin care wonder.
What makes them even more remarkable is the abundance of health benefits contained within each precious nut. From healthy fats and fibre to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the nutrients in macadamias are good for your heart, brain, gut and skin.
When you indulge in a handful of Australian grown macadamias, you’re also supporting one of Australia’s most important industries. Aussie macadamia growers are known for their passion and dedication to growing the world’s best nuts while treading lightly in the orchard. Working with nature as much as possible, they promote on-farm biodiversity to balance the natural environment in which macadamias grow, embrace biological pest and disease controls and recycle or reuse every part of the macadamia tree to ensure nothing goes to waste.
So next time you bite into one of those delicious creamy kernels, you can enjoy it knowing you’ve made a luxurious, nourishing and sustainable choice.